Sunday, October 23, 2011

Logs Logs Logs!

Notice nobody else is even attempting to interrupt. 


TankChat #bitchfest 5:22:37 -+:log:+-

<AfreetAji>     You are an ass.
<MrcsMxms> that's Shakespeare
<AfreetAji>      It's just the truth in this case.
<MrcsMxms>  yah but also shakespeare, so bite me
<AfreetAji>      Nothing could make me engage in contact between my mouth and any part of your being.
<MrcsMxms>  i'd bathe in purel first just for you haha
<AfreetAji>      Drown in it.
<MrcsMxms>  r u trying 2 say u want 2 c other peeple?
<MrcsMxms>  hahahaha
<AfreetAji>      bugger off