Sunday, June 30, 2013

Corvania Chronicles Half Year Reboot New Benefits

corvania The half-year mark is nigh! All members/players of the Corvania Chronicles have renewed, and only two payments are pending.

We are currently in debate about how to handle membership size. As gamers know, the current cap is at 22, with a non-participatory Game Master, who is paid for his position.

The push to add more members/gamers has been increasing, but we are hesitant to cave. There are several reasons for this:

  • Smaller membership means better, tighter play.
  • The players all know one another, and intimacy is part of the game.
  • The current membership is dedicated, and shows up.
  • Because of all of the above, the game works smoothly and dramatically.
  • Scripting and world building are better, simpler, and tighter when the numbers are low.

That being said, arguments for a somewhat larger game base are not insignificant. They include:

  • Good gamers, some known to the membership, want in.
  • More players equal more revenue, and fees could bring increased benefits for all.
  • Revenue could fund the long-discussed comic books and/or RPG kits.
  • There is a possibility for shared character ownership, so that two paying members could occupy one space in the universe and coding.
  • We could, possibly, lower the fees for all gamers.
  • We could, possibly, increase the salary for the Game Master.

Currently the cost gets members gaming privileges, but also includes a free email account, private IRC rooms for personal use, and free downloads in the archives. Should expansion take place, more benefits would be part of that discussion. If you want to be part of this process, you will need to pipe up on the loop and attend meetings!

In the mean time... roll those dice, and let the games begin anew!


Marcus June 30, 2013 at 1:57 PM  

I vote NO on expansion, but I've already put my 2 cents in.