Monday, December 3, 2012

Holiday Shennanigans

Holiday update, just to prove the blog still works!

  1. If you did not sign up to participate in the gift swap, you're too late. MAKE SURE YOU MAIL PACKAGES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that they arrive on time. As always, awards will be given in January for:  a. gift that traveled the farthest  b. dumbest gift  c. most disgusting gift
  2. We are pleased to announce the return of CORVANIA CHRONICLES. A BRAND NEW version has launched, Tankers-only, with some amazing world building. Skyrim shmyrim! Dice roll takes  place December 8. If you miss First Dice you can't be First Circle, so show up!
  3. Negotiations are currently underway to purchase new servers so that we can bulk up IRC for greater slam-width. Though not yet completed, at least two are a lock (just a matter of paperwork going through). Thanks to Damiano for his help in making this happen.
  4. If you have been looking for an IRC application that works on both Android platforms and Kindle Fire, the newer version of AndroidIRC, AndChat, works like silk. Go, download, be happy:

And a preview of the new legend...

Designed by Chrissy Olinger for The Sceptics Tank 2012